A diffuser would be so sweet!! Sourdough starter, spa bath supplies (epsom salts, nontoxic bubbles/scrubs, you can even make super easy face/body scrubs), potted herbs would all be cute!
@Chloe what brands do you trust for essential oils? I’ve used doterra in the past?
@Sophie omg yess a spa vibe would be great thank you!!
Im not too experienced with that unfortunately 🫣 I use a local brand I got from a friend, but even just the diffuser itself would probably be enough? And she could pick her own oils. They usually come with own or two anyway!
Doterra is great! Young Living too! You can also buy decent brands at health food stores
I would avoid anything with scents if they are truly nontoxic. some of our household favs are Dr Bonner’s soap refills in cardboard and glass handsoap pumps, Norwex washable sponges, Pyrex glass food storage containers, wood cutting board, glass teapot, cast iron pans. If they have a pet, a stainless steel pet water fountain.
Doterra is good for essential oils. Branch basics is good for cleaning supplies. They have like starter kits and what not that are great
Branch basics for cleaners!
Reusable zip lock bags. They’re made of silicone.
Homemade vanilla!
Rowe Casa Organics has some amazing candles! Toxin free!
Omg thank you so much everyone!! You are changing my life 🤗💕
Branch basics and Force of Nature are great non toxic cleaners. Grow Fragrance has air and fabric sprays and candles that are non toxic.
Essential oil burners or diffusers, or little ornaments you can use as decoration that can be soaked in essential oils. I recently gifted my mum these and she loved them ✨