SMP payment and PAYE

Stupid question, but just got my first payslip with full SMP, but it’s got a deduction of 46.20 for PAYE. Which they’ve added to my net pay to make it higher than the 736. Am i or my company being stupid and I’ll have to pay it back? Or shall I just be thankful if I get that higher amount on Friday when paid ?
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That happened to me, my work said it was due to getting a tax rebate through my pay

I think it's because you will have paid too much tax over the course of the year, now you're on lower pay, so you get some back, but check with work!

Yeah it’s because now your pay has reduced, you will have paid too much tax for the tax year if they continued taxing you. If you’re due to get paid 3 more times from now until April 5th and if you have the tax code 1257L you should only pay about £220 tax for the entire year. Looks like you’ll be due some more back x

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