Thank you so much for responding to me ♥️ I’ve contacted the midwife team this morning for some advice so just waiting for a call back.
I am 8 weeks now and at 5/6 weeks I had quite a lot of brown discharge for about a week. I went for an early scan at 7 weeks (I had a previous miscarriage and they let you go for an early reassurance scan after that) - and everything was fine, right size and good heartbeat. The body loves to stress us out unnecessarily! It can take a while for old blood to come out the doc said - might be from the last period or implantation bleeding that takes a while to leave. Can be lots of normal reasons for brown discharge and cramping. They did give me progesterone but that’s mainly because of having had a miscarriage previously. You could ask about progesterone though
Yes. I now have a healthy soon to be 9 year old x
Yes, had this with my second and I was worried it was hurting*** so bad too. I was in soooooo much pain and had a little blood. But had baby no.2 and they’re happy and healthy! I would get checked out however to make sure❤️