My baby boy Finn was also born on same date 🥰
My baby boy Lachlan born 14th December 7lb13oz 🩵
My boy was born same day and year! 8lb 4oz
My boy Oakley came on the same day 6lbs 2 🥹 little Christmas elves xx
Our baby Jude Conrad was born 8lb 4oz on 22/12/24 🫶🏻
My daughter Clementine was born 24th as well at 8lbs 8oz
My boy, Frankie, was born on the same day too! weighing 9lb 2oz. Murphy is a lovely name, congratulations!
Love the name Murphy 🥰
My little Elswyth was born the 11th of December at 7"5
My little Teddy was a Christmas Eve baby too 🩵
Aww I love the name Murphy !! I had a girl born at 35 weeks . 15.11.2024 . Wee tiny tot weighing 4 pounds 8 oz . Her name is Alba đź©·
My daughter Harmony was born on the 15/12/24 and she weighed 7 pounds 6 Oz
My boy Hugo was born on 5th January weighing 3.220 kg
My baby boy Ronnie was born the same day 🩵✨