I feel like Maeve is a bit popular now though lovely. I think Muriel is similar and oddly overlooked so kind of a gem. But I voted Winslet. I think Kate winslet is a nice association and I love the short form Win/Wyn and the let ending
I actually love them all! Can’t go wrong. Maeve is getting a little more popular, but still pretty. I’ve been loving Winslet, but personally not a huge fan of nicknames in general so Win/Winny (personal preference), I don’t love bit as a whole I think it’s beautiful! Tough choice:)
I voted Maeve but actually think I like Winslet more!
Love Winslet
Winnie would be a really cute nickname for Winslet x
Today I’ve literally seen all my “unique” names on the polls and I love it. Winslet nn Winnie is high on my list, so is Clove, Clover, Rosemary and Sutton. Definitely whimsical but so so cute!
@Apryl I love Clove!
@Brielle I know, the fact that it's so popular is the main reason I'm so hesitant about Maeve!
@Jessica I feel the same about Winslet! And I love that it's not popular, like Maeve
I love the name Winslet!! It’s whimsical but also very fresh sounding and not too stuffy or frilly. I can see it aging really well as she gets older! My second vote would be for Navy, but all three are great choices
I like Winslet and Maeve! Winslet Maeve would be a cute combo đź’•