@Molly I’ve been looking back at my tests with my son too and they were so much darker at this stage! I’m so confused with what’s going on 😩
@Emily do you take any vitamins with Biotin? I've read that it can disturb the HCG levels.
@Molly I’ve checked all the supplements I was taking and one of them does have biotin in! But I only started it last Sunday and then took it Wednesday for the last time before I found out Thursday I was pregnant. You wouldn’t think that would be quick enough to have any affect would you? Have you been taking anything with it in?
@Emily Yeah I've been taking b vitamin complex with Biotin. I'm going to see if it improves in the next 72h and try not to think about it until Wednesday morning as stress apparently can make the HCG drop as well. I find it all so weird as I haven't had any bleeding or pain and with all my other pregnancies I never really had any symptoms the first trimester. I'm not due a scan until the 24th but I might call epu again tomorrow
@Emily thought I'd give you an update. I've tested negative this morning and I have an appointment at epu but unfortunately I don't think it's gonna be good news for me now it is showing negative
@Molly oh bless you lovely, I’m so sorry to hear that 😔 I’m expecting the same to be honest, my lines still aren’t getting any darker and the few pregnancy symptoms I had have totally gone now!
I'm in the same situation, I checked the picture I took with the one I did with my 21 month old and it was a lot darker. It's horrible not knowing why it is so faint.