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I’m having spotting as well I’m not sure is it just faules what do you think
Hi! I always thought I was O positive blood type but turns out I’m A negative. The midwife said this can cause issues if the baby’s blood group is positive. Has anyone experienced this or have any advice?
I’m 10DPO and not one single positive test :(
Does anyone else see the positive? I also confirmed it with app
Not due on till end of the week. Been feeling so off lately, nauseous, really fatigued. I know ur better off taking first thing in morning but couldn’t help myself. I know also these tests are bad for false positives/evap lines, but what do yous think?
So I just got blood work done. I’m 3 weeks and 5 days and my levels are 121. I got a positive 6 days before expected period! Is it possible I’m having twins?
What are we thinking? Pretty sure there's a line but might be an evaporation line as it was left about 5 minutes longer (but I was also nervous and could only do a tiny wee 😂)
The orange tests supposedly pick up as sensitive as 10mu of hcg vs the pink test is 25mu of hcg. I only really see a shadow on the orange. I firmly believe that every child is a blessing, but my husband and I were NOT trying to get pregnant this soon postpartum and this would definitely be a shock. I’m 5 days aw...
Going crazy over here..i keep getting negative tests. My period is in 3 days, has anyone ever got a positive after testing negative days before period? I hope what i said makes sense!🤣
I took a pregnancy test this morning with my first pee. I've never had a test look like this before. Am I pregnant or no? My period isn't due for 6 days and the test is a dollar tree test so I don't know how accurate they are
Took a pregnancy test this morning with my first pee. I never had a test that looked like this before. Am I pregnant or is it a evaporated line? My period isn't due for 6 days and that test is a dollar tree test and I don't know how accurate they are that early.
I am RH negative and my baby is RH positive, has anyone else had this? How did it affect your pregnancy? ☺️
If you had one, when was it
It shows “not pregnant” but there are 3 blue lines (2 faint and one solid). I’ve been reading up and it suggests it could be early pregnancy but the sensor hasn’t detected it. Anyone experienced this?
Hi I found out I was pregnant at 3w 2d. I have been taking strips almost every day for peace of mind. Today, I got two tests that look like this- much lighter compared to all the other tests I’ve taken. Every other time I’ve tested the line is just as dark as the control. Anyone know what this could mean?
I should be 4 wks 4 days today. I decided to go and get another test today to check line progression and I squeezed out a wee when I got back home the two top tests are from Friday and the bottom one is from today. In person they are all pretty similar but I was kinda hoping the line would be getting darker. It’s st...
I tested for both positive for ovulation and clear blue tests in late december and I gave birth on 2nd November last year could I be pregnant? the lines kept coming 2 lines I checked from my gp and it came negative perhaps too early but I could definitely see the 2 lines not only once I done tests 3-4 times clear bl...
Last month I had positive then had a chemical pregnancy so now I’m scared. So please tell me if this is a normal positive for 11dpo and 4 days before period. Or should it be darker?
Last month I had positive then had a chemical pregnancy so now I’m scared. So please tell me if this is a normal positive for 11dpo and 4 days before period. Or should it be darker?
Okay so I got a very very faint positive on January 16th. I got what I assume is my period, the very next morning! I use a menstrual cup and this morning when I went to put it in, I all of a sudden got a ton of slippery clear discharge and there was so much of it. I also have regular periods where it’s a bit heavier...