Lupilu from lidl!!!
We used Aldi nappies up to a size 2. We started off with pampers and in all honesty I felt the Aldi ones were just as good. HOWEVER … when they get to size 3 I found them awful! Constant leaks, so I loved to Tesco. They were ok but I ended up switching back to pampers at that point because it was getting to the point where I wasn’t fully trusting the Tesco nappy. He’s not had one leak since we moved back to pampers. Once they get out of the small sizes your nappy bill will go down as they tend to go a bit longer between pees. 2 jumbo packs a month usually on offer for £20 is all we’ve really needed with an occasional small pack top up xx
Lidl's pull-ups 😉
What Chelsea said! Cannot go wrong with pampers. The price is ridiculous but they really do do great nappies. I’ve used Aldi up to size 2, and their size 2 is weirdly smaller than pampers size 2 and slightly less absorbent. Currently using Tesco Fred & Flo for day time at home and Pampers baby dry for night and outings
Aldi and Pampers. Pampers jumbo packs offer 2 for £20 in Asda, Tesco and Morrisons
Lidl lupilu for day and pampers for night (bought on offer)
Pampers and Sainsburys! Look out for the offers on Pampers nappies, as Asda had great offers on recently! Aldi were good, but once you get last size 2 they're rubbish! Tesco leaked all the time! Asdas were ok, but Sainsburys are better.
I used pampers with my children an now with my baby had no problems,, you get good offers on boots website an also in Sainsburys if you join the loyalty cards you get good offers also boots also have a baby club.
We were bought some from tesco and nutmeg which I think is morrisons and I preferred them both to pampers size wise and so far no leaks (touch wood) but looks like maybe back to pampers when he moves up sizes from what people have said
target brand 🤞🤞
Lidl own brand are my faves. Size 1 75p for 22, now we’re on size 2, it’s £1.75. Really brill. We had Pampers to start with but still my faves are Lidl as they seem to be more absorbent and not had an accident with them. I also recently tried Nutmeg from Morrison’s too, which are good.
We used pampers for a bit but they ended leaking so much even when sizing up and frequent changes. So I’m not a fan of pampers. Huggies are GREAT and my all time fav but budget friendly and work just as well as pampers are Luvs !
Sainsbury’s! I was recommended them by a midwife friend who said they were the best for newborns. They’re around 80p per pack. I’ve also tried kit and kin and will probably switch to those when my LO is at an age where she’s in them a bit longer.
Love the Lidl own brand - we’re on size 3 and a jumbo pack of 90 is around £5
Trusted by 5M+ women
Trusted by 5M+ women
Scan the codes and bulk buy from amazon. You get 170 for about 2/3s the price xx
I have been using Aldi nappies since my daughter was born.
Fred and Flo from Tesco x
Sainsburys are the best and I think Tesco follow a close second x
Aldi are so good, I’ve used them since he was a newborn! I liked Tesco as well. I personally never really got on with Sainsbury’s x
Try aldi nappies they're amazing! Still using them babies a size 4 currently I only use pampers when we go out or at night time