@Chloe do you mind sending the link please? Are they strip ones? Do you think baby dance again today? X
So your fertile window is the 5 days before you ovulate. Once you get peak LH you will ovulate in 12-24 hours and then the egg lives for another 12-24 hours. So it sounds like you timed sex well you definitely have a chance. If you’re not pregnant yet from this round I find it helpful to use the cheap bulk easy@home tests from Amazon. Start testing once every two days after your period ends until it looks like it’s starting to get darker (like medium) and then test once per day and when it’s getting quite dark test twice a day. I start having sex every day or two when it’s looking medium-dark and definitely any day it’s as dark or darker than the control line. I also keep an eye out for egg white cervical mucus because that’s also a good hint that you’re entering your fertile window. Good luck on this cycle though!
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ovulation-Fertility-Easy-Home-Pregnancy/dp/B00DOJG6RA/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=OTQXQ81DOVAX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ztJrH8jUhw9ZjG7aiu6_OFFp3pKLztTpxwMjnt-S_le2YFLO_84j5FMVSfF-ePDGL4lWIuk8Kgv8nV6CYZXYcp3DobSwRw4sXSwOyhRca4SwllaLmTe1rmN5czvQY-r8e-rL6QhVyLkUc8SiqwOeSGheJmiYZ12pQzDcLo_WqSG681r669F0ydLZCjqaFiLNHpaCp42nOhw6tR1MeNfpYQ.GA39G0pC_NzKS9GUNUbP0RcGPoBpV1Vqa48H86rZKPU&dib_tag=se&keywords=easy+home+ovulation+tests&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1736690635&sprefix=easy+%40+home%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-4 they’ve gone up I would use the Premom app it tracks your ovulation tests
@Jessica hi Jessica, sorry to jump in but you sound to know what your going on about 😂 I hit peak ovulation yesterday. We baby danced Wednesday, Thursday and yesterday. Do you think that is in the right window? Thanks
I wouldn’t use clear blue ovulation tests there super sensitive loads of people I know have had problems with them I would say BD as much as possible just so you know you have done something, then if unsuccessful this month buy the easy at home ovulation tests get 40 off Amazon and pregnancy tests for £14. Xx