Yep we've switched and my LO is 16 weeks. As long as babies head control is good you can switch - if you have him in carrier facing outwards then his head control is probably good enough? I still find he's more comfortable on a bit of a slant rather than sitting right up. Mine never really liked the bassinet to be honest! But only been using the world facing pushchair for about 2 weeks x
U can put them in it at a slant if u want as long as u can fit 2 fingers between there chin and chest n they have good head and neck control, if there chin n chest r touching they can suffocate and it's 100% not safe. Don't sit them straight up at all until they can sit independently or u can mess up their back and hips forcing them to sit up before they r ready x
My baby girl hates lying down she wants to look around n c everything. I have a car seat that turns into a stroller so she can c but I’ve been looking into getting a new stroller n car seat cuz she’s getting to big for ours. It’s like the Donna but for some reason my brain can’t think of the name lol 😅.
My little one was the same! We have just done the move over this weekend but we sit her on a slight slant in the big pram! She has good head control so it’s the best choice we made tbh! She seems a lot more happier. She’s 17 weeks old x
My boy wasn't in his bassinet long... he is so nosey and wants to see everything he's been in his since he was 2 months - on the lowest "laying down" setting. He's 3.5 months now, and I've sat him up more. He has great head control and loves to looks around and is actually more aware during walks now! Which is soooo nice
We have tried and she loves it but unfortunately she is still slightly too small and the straps are too high!! Hoping in another month or so we can switch as she is soooo nosey!
My girl had horrendous reflux so she’s been in the pram seat since 2 weeks with it slightly raised up. Ours can go completely flat so suitable from birth
I had to do it weeks ago but mine lies flat. My son had had enough of being in the bassinet and was a nightmare every time I put him in it 😂
My lo is 17 weeks Thursday I changed over last week and he absolutely loves it!!! He can see so much and you can see him looking it's lush xx
My LO has always been a bigger baby, being born at 10lb 5 and now 20lb at 18 weeks… We switched to the next one from the bassinet but he is still on the lowest slant laying down, he’s more content because he can see much more but also he looks more comfortable x