Low lying placenta

Anybody else got a low lying placenta or had one before? What was your outcome x
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I have a low lying placenta and want to know the same what the outcome as they have said if it doesn’t move up then C section

Low lying is considered less than 2cm away from cervix. The sonographer told me that it nearly always moves by 32 weeks (as long as it's not covering completely) but they check around 32 weeks to be sure. I think if it's less than 2cm that you have to have a c section. I also have a low lying placenta at the moment and having a rescan at 32 weeks x

I was told at my 20 week that I have a low lying anterior placenta and it's covering my cervix slightly. But she said she's 95% sure it will move and we have time. I have another scan tomorrow (growth scan) so hoping it's moved 🤞 I think it depends on how much it's covering the cervix. My friends didn't move and she had to have a c section xx hopefully yours moves xx

I had my 21 week scan a few weeks ago & they told me my placenta was low lying. I have another scan in March ( 32 weeks ) to determine whether I’ll have a c section or a normal birth. I wouldn’t worry too much, they will advise on what is best for you and your baby x

Started off low lying, has moved up to anterior high as I’ve progressed in my pregnancy x

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