I work from home but my kids are at school or in childcare while I'm working. On the odd day they have to be home or are sick it's almost impossible!
I can’t imagine working with my kid at home. I can barely do jobs around the house let alone a paid job. Plus you’d need to check your work would be happy. Like what if you were on the phone and your kid fell over and started crying etc. I don’t think it’s fair on employer or you kid tbh x
I worked from home from when my daughter was 6 months to 2 years. Between 6 months and 18 months I could do it easily enough, but 18 months hit and she needed more attention, was more active etc - rightly so and expected of a toddler. The last 6 months were really hard and it was a breath of fresh air to get her into nursery so that I wasn't wfh with her. Now if she's at home I find it impossible.
My job wouldn’t even let me it’s written into my contract that I can’t have him there while I work. Not that I’d want him there while I work tbh. I couldn’t give him my all so he’ll be in nursery from June. My KIT days are hard enough with him home haha!
I’m going to give it my best shot but I barely have any calls or meetings and my husband will also be at home so I think (and hope!) it’s going to be a bit different. Also my work is super flexible they don’t care if I duck out for a couple hours in the day as long as everything gets done. I’m not sure with a customer service role you might be more on the clock, but then if you could use that to your advantage to have someone watching your baby for those set hours it might work perfectly!
My 15 month old was home sick yesterday and I probably got 20% of my normal work done. I tried to keep him home at 3 months while working part time and it was still very difficult. Nap time is really the only real time I am productive.
I've done it a handful of times and it's not ideal at all. Even if they're the most chilled child ever or independent, I don't think it's fair on them or yourself as you can't focus enough on one or the other. I feel much better knowing he's having a great time at nursery where he gets 100% attention ☺️ Generally it's also frowned upon at my work place unless you absolutely have to so you'd have to check what your policy is.
@Caroline I second this, my son was part time in daycare to save money but was home on the days I worked from home & it was tough. Now I love not having him here when I work.
Check with the company you work for too like may have to sign something where they won't even allow working from home with kids there. I know my current job doesn't. Because they want you to focus on your work & not utilizing it for child care.
I would not be able to work from home with my child. I don’t believe you can fully focus on it when they’re that young x
Can you kindly share the work from home roles. As I’m looking for remote work. Thank you.
I work remotely for a claims handling agency and work off a spreadsheet with minimal stress or demand and on the days my 1yo daughter is not sleeping, it is a nightmare. I’ve had to take care of her a few times while working as my childcare called in sick and I basically go into survival mode. Nothing gets done other than childcare or work - by that I mean my toilet breaks, lunch, even getting a drink becomes a luxury. I can’t imagine working if my boss was a bit more involved or I had to answer phone calls.
I work from home and as long I stick to a pretty strict schedule it's fine with very little difficulty.
@Penelope I work as a training coordinator for new starters at my business coordinating their induction process to the business.
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Can you kindly provide website addresses where I can apply. Thank you.
My husband and I both wfh full time and our daughter is in daycare full time. It's impossible to get work done and make sure your child is getting all of the care and attention they need, especially the developmental support needs. My daughter learns so much at daycare! When she's home sick or daycare is closed, my husband and I try to juggle watching her between meetings and I always end up finishing my work overnight because it's just impossible!
I do but my kids are teenagers and have grown up around the demands of my job (legal). They know that mom is WORKING from home, I’m not readily available until 5:00 or later depending on my cases. When I have this baby the plan is for my partner to be a SAHD to deal with her when I’m working. But I will say in my current firm it’s not abnormal for someone to pause a call to wrangle a kid or animals. We’re all remote so it’s very understanding and the model is based on having a work life balance.
It really depends on the type of job you do. I am a social media educator, it's the easiest work from home. I run my business as a mother therefore people get it.
Alot of employers have policies that specifically state that you must not be teaming homeworking with caring for a child (they must have someone else supervising them). This is generally from a duty of care position as you can't be working with full concentration and keeping an eye on your child's welfare all at the same time.
It’s definitely doable as long as you’ve got someone else there to supervise your baby
Difficult in my opinion.. and for my job would result in gross misconduct
I think parents that “work” at home with their kids do not work or parent! Impossible to give your full attention to either im afraid :-(
It’s always been impossible for me to get anything done with my baby around. Even if your kid was somehow happy to sit sit quietly I don’t think it’s fair on them to be ignored all day and not good for their development so highly recommend some form of childcare so they can get some interaction too
My mum looks after my little boy at my house, when I work from home (70% of the time) if I need to crack on then I work upstairs in the office where he can’t see me and therefore want me instead of my mum 😂 it’s nice as I still get my days work done but also for lunch I can spend it with him 🥰
My work has it that you are either at home to work or at home to be a parent. They would rather you give 100% to either role instead of trying to share and a mistake happening either to your work or worst to your child. I’m in customer service taking phone calls too and I would hate for a customer to hear my child in the background and to know they don’t have my full attention, I feel guilty enough on the days I use to WFH and my dog would start barking and customers could hear him.
Hell yeah .. market research is the least stressful wfh
@Love curious how much something like that pays. Is it a liveable wage?
I’m currently looking for remote jobs, if anyone have information about companies looking to hire people for remote jobs please share it with us 💜 I will be very grateful mommas
I’d say, if your baby still has few naps or even one long, then 100000% you can utilise that time and work, answering phone calls while the baby is asleep, if you’re the one who’s looking after the baby, it will be IMPOSSIBLE. If you have someone else in the house with you to look after the baby, then working from home shouldn’t be a problem. I was lucky enough to get a job in April only 10hrs a week, so utilised that time and my baby was 2.5 years at the, so she was napping around 2 hrs a day. Which was perfect, but then her naps started getting shorter and I started getting bit more work (not even calls) just send few emails and stuff and it was almost IMPOSSIBLE! My baby would close my laptop, start pinching or biting me, she definitely felt that it wasn’t “cool” that I totally ignored her AND I felt super guilty, especially because the only decent distraction was the TV and I absolutely hate that, because it doesn’t do any good for their little brains… Good luck momma ❤️
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How old is Bub? @Jasmine - I think if you have a schedule with Bub and know the routine and if you need to be working for 8 hours straight or how you can sort it to be able to do a couple of hours then have a break. I have a cleaning business and I take Bub to work and sometimes have 3 clients in a day. It can be stressful but the income is worth it haha. It really depends on your mentality everyone says to me I don’t know how you do it. But I would rather make money and be stressed for a couple of days for making money rather than stressing over money. You can do anything you put your mind too. Just work out a at to make it work 🤍 you got this !
@JL i make 580 a week me personally depending on your lifestyle and how many people are in your household and working it could be livable it’s easy atleast my job is
Gotcha. Thank you for sharing! @Love
Job kept a roof over my head and food in my fridge along with etc so it’s decent honestly
I wouldn’t recommend it unless you have help. I get to wfh x2 a week 9-5. My mum finishes work at 10 so she comes to collect her around half 10. Then brings her back anytime around 2/3 but my partner finishes work at 3 so then he’ll have her. The days my mum can’t help with her I really struggle to be as productive as I normally am, I feel bad for not being able to give my LO my all like I normally can. I also don’t have to do calls, mines all online based.
@Lana atm he’s 6 months, I’m only looking at this option as my current job have conveniently “change police as of 1st Jan” to no working from home, they have three woman in total even tho different departments coming back from mat leave Jan/feb and now we all annoyed our previously agreed schedules iv worked the little child care I can get around is out window. So it’s either awful Money and only work two days a week or fine a fully WFH job to get some liveable money 🤦🏻♀️ he does have semi regular nap times in the day all bar 30 mins either side tbh
That’s so annoying - they don’t make it easy do they. Look it would be challenging working with a child no matter what but if you don’t try then you don’t know. Do you have anyone that can look after him one or two days in the week. It’s not easy especially in this economy.
I work from home 3 mornings a week and have my son at home. We can't afford extra childcare right now so we don't have a choice... but if I did, I would out him in childcare. It's so difficult to get much done! Luckily my job is quiet so it's doable.
@Lana I have two days my MIL or SIL could have baby, so iv asked work to compromise, 2 days in office and 3 at home but im waiting for a reply. But if they say no all I have is two days a week work which I can’t afford so if I get a fully remote job, least two days a week I can concentrate and other three just do my best 🤷🏻♀️
I believe in you. You will work it out. You just have to try to not feel guilty spreading yourself. Until you find something that works better. You will figure out out just stay away from the negative people who say it’s not possible & so on. You have to do what you have to do. Or maybe even see if you can do 4 days a week like Monday - Tuesday then Thursday - Friday. @Jasmine
Very difficult when you have a Velcro baby but you gotta do what you gotta do. Try to schedule meetings around their nap time or feeding time. Helps keep them quiet for sure.
Very difficult when you have so much work to do throughout the day. You have to juggle a million things and feel so exhausted at the end of the day.
Kind of doing that now and it is stressful on busy days. You would wish to focus on either work or the baby at one point instead of reluctantly "half-assing" for both. Sometimes, I wonder if daycare would be better solution... But it really depends on the job and baby and there is always good and bad days.
It depends on your role and your commitment/sh1ts given levels!! No well paid job would a)allow you to do this or b) be able to actually be carried out to the best of your ability
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I’ve tried to do both, end up doing neither well. Ok for a couple of hours but I have mine in care while working at home all day.
I work from home and it's almost impossible some days! It really just depends on my daughters mood and how well she is in herself to how much work I can get done, if any. When she was newborn it was much easier as she slept a lot more but the older she gets the more attention she's needing when playing etc