Birth Story
⭐️ Age you got pregnant: 31
⭐️ Age you gave birth: 31
⭐️ How far along when you found out: 5 weeks
⭐️ First symptoms? Sensitive to smells
⭐️ Morning sickness? Yes
⭐️ Cravings? I didn’t really have cravings
⭐️ Due date: September 15th
⭐️ Birth date: September 10th
⭐️ Hours in labor? 27 hours
⭐️Who was there? Husband and Mom
⭐️ Pain management? None until second round of Pitocin, then epidural
⭐️ Induced? No
⭐️ C-Section or Vaginal birth? C-Section
⭐️ Did you tear? No
⭐️ Time of birth: 1:54am
⭐️ Weight: 5lbs 2oz
⭐️ Gender: Girl
⭐️ Name: Rowan Aria
⭐️ Days in hospital: 5 days
⭐️ How old are they now: 16 months
⭐️ Post your favorite picture!
⭐️ Age you got pregnant: 32 ⭐️ Age you gave birth: 32 ⭐️ How far along when you found out: 5 weeks I think ⭐️ First symptoms? Period pimple didn’t show up ⭐️ Morning sickness? Yes ⭐️ Cravings? All foods, constantly snacking ⭐️ Due date: 27th July ⭐️ Birth date: 26th July ⭐️ Hours in labor? 48 hours ⭐️Who was there? Boyfriend ⭐️ Pain management? Tens machine and Gas and air ⭐️ Induced? Oxytocin to speed up labour as waters had been broken for over 48 hours and contractions were slowing down ⭐️ C-Section or Vaginal birth? Vaginal ⭐️ Did you tear? Yes ⭐️ Time of birth: 11.40pm ⭐️ Weight: 6lb4 ⭐️ Gender: Girl ⭐️ Name: Maeve ⭐️ Days in hospital: 30 hours ⭐️ How old are they now: 5 months