No previous accidents
Nothing over 150000, No engine noises when turned over Always test drive to check for signs on dash Spacious I’ve mostly had problems with dodge, jeep ram family Subaru/ford/foreign tend to do very well as long terms Service history, someone who tracks and keeps the work done on it Oil changes, make sure they did them and check the oil wherever it’s bought to see if it’s true Ultimately if you don’t feel 100% on it, don’t get it.
My husband is a mechanic and always looks for low mileage, good service history, safety rating/tests, MOT history (he’ll check it over to see what its failed and been advised on before) and the manufacturer- he won’t touch most French cars 😅
I'm currently trying to buy a used car and as a mechanic there's a couple things I'm looking for; Max 250000kms, a decent service history, a well maintained interior and no major mechanical issues, always get a mechanic to check it over! I'm taking another mechanic to double check any cars so I don't risk being blinded by how much I like the car