Sister asking to borrow my coat

My sister is in her early 20s, doesn’t work, doesn’t want to work & spends all her money on cosmetic treatments. I have this nice coat I wear every so often & she sent me a message asking to borrow it for a date because her coat doesn’t go with her outfit. Thing is she never comes to see me, is known for getting up late in the afternoon and she’s promised to bring it back the following morning at 10am How do I politely say no because I know she’s hoping she can keep hold of it and hope I forget about it, I’ve known her all her life and I know because she’s broke she will try to keep it, she even asks for me to give her money and I’ve given her things in the past and when she does come over she just asks for food. She didn’t even get her niece (my daughter) anything for Christmas.
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Just tell her no, you don’t really owe her an explanation. I wouldn’t tell her no then explain all these reasons though. Seems a bit harsh over a coat.

"If this coat was just a regular coat to me I'd loan it out but because I really love this coat I'm going to have to say no. I'd be so heartbroken if it got damaged or lost or something and we end up fighting about a coat I should not have loaned out since it means so much to me. It's just not worth the risk for me. I hope you're able to put together a different outfit you like."

Don’t reply or say you’re using it lol

Hard NO

Or you could even say something like “if your date really likes you he’s not gonna care of your coat matches your outfit” 🙃 But Chris’s response is nicer …

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