Double pushchair

Currently looking around, so far this is my favourite. I will have a newborn and 14 month old baby, would this be suitable? Anyone got any personal feedback from using this pushchair?
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I preferred the stacked strollers vs the side by side ones. Side by side sometimes can’t fit through door frames

Have a look at the Virgo growing family. It’s what we’ve bought and will have a newborn and a 20 month old. I was put off this one because the newborn cocoon didn’t look too great x

Would it be best to get one that is in front of the other than side to side? I have no idea where to start aha x

I have 14m between my first two and only used the one pram which is stacked. I just found it less troublesome than some of the complaints from mum friends who had the side by side I.e storage/stacking/boot space/fitting through doors/aisles in shops.

I have this exact buggy and to be honest I love it. I have a 14 month old and 2 month old. I like the fact that my babies are side by side. I can keep an eye and see both of them at the same time. I feel like with the stacked ones the baby at the back is so close to the seat in front which doesn’t seem fair- especially as they get older and will want to see more. The newborn cocoon is actually more secure than it looks. I think my baby has another month and then will need to transition into the seat (she’s quite long) but would say my baby is comfortable in it. She always falls asleep in the buggy so that must be a good sign lol. It is light weight to push and can fit through most shops/restaurants. I would definitely recommend this buggy! X

I've got this buggy too (23 month and 3 month old) and would second everything Chelsea has said above. It's definitely a compact double buggy. Think it will be great as they get older and can sit side by side etc.x


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