@Deepa So amazing that they resolved and you and your baby are healthy. Thank you so much for the encouragement. ♥️
You are welcome. Congratulations🎈 and all the best Kayla ❤️
I have had almost a very similar situation. I was dx with previa around 17weeks and was on pelvic rest. By 24w it had moved out of the way and is now anterior. I’ve had a hematoma since my first sono at 7w with no external bleeding. My sono with high risk around 24 weeks was not great as my placenta was bleeding a LOT with several pockets of active bleeding and the amniotic fluid had free floating blood too. My doctors were much more relaxed about this problem, said as long as baby was growing well and I wasn’t having external bleeding there was little to no concern. By 28 weeks the hematoma is still present but less bloody compared to last check. I hope your doctors aren’t making it a bigger deal than it needs to be, because it’s mostly resolved for me and I didn’t need shots or any kind of monitoring.
@KayLee thank you! Honestly, it really seemed like they were making it out to be a lot scarier than it needed to be. If they told me everything looks find and there’s no active bleeding I didnt understand why they kept pushing for a few night hospital stay. I felt guilty having to say no but it washer feasible and honestly using my best judgement didn’t seem needed. Which obviously having any complication put so much added stress on top of it. I’m glad to hear everything worked out well for you thank you for sharing.
I had placenta praevia and my waters broke at 27 weeks. They gave me steroid shots for four days. I was in hospital. They were saying that I'll need to stay in the hospital. Bed rest till the baby was mature enough to come out 24 hours later I actually went into active labour and they couldn't stop it so they will need into surgery for a C-section at 30 weeks and I gave her to my son. They sent my place. Centre off to the Royal Childrens to get assisted and found that my placenta was actually lifting a little and I had blood clots all through my placenta but I don't know why they said that if they didn't take my son out when they did, he probably would've been still born that's why they were monitoring me iand that's probably why they're monitoring so if something happens they can sort it out within seconds if you're at home then you've gotta drive there that could take half an hour or so and it could be too late. That's why they wanted you there at the hospital. I have two y
Hi Kayla. I had the same situation few months back. I also had placenta previa and was bleeding then they gave me steroid shots so that if I had to deliver early(32 weeks) then the lungs of the baby would grow with the help of the shots but by grace of god everything was resolved later as time passed. I delivered a healthy baby last month but had a uterus rupture due to which I lost lot of blood around 2.5 liters during cesarean. But now everything is fine😊. So don’t panic everything will be fine as weeks pass by. Just trust your body and god.