This is what I was thinking. Surely they would of said something definitely
They would have looked at both lower and upper extremities. You would know if something was wrong with babies legs x
100%. And the scan pictures always come out looking really freaky. There’s just no chance of getting a proper image of the baby completely straight in one line if that makes sense. Definitely definitely don’t stress
I was just concerned as it was just a private scan with window to the womb so wasn’t a nhs one that’s why I thought maybe they wouldn’t say if anything was wrong 😑
Could be anything the scans are so difficult for the un trained eye to read could even be a bit of the umbilical cord if they saw something wrong they would tell you 😊
Thank you all 😊
ultrasounds always come out looking really odd! As often they can’t pick up everything in one shot, bits are hiding. Our baby had his foot on his head at 20 week scan and you can only see his toes and it looks really weird🥴but he’s literally fine!🤣dx
Please note that this image is a cross section not a 3D picture. All looks normal!✨
@Nora what does that mean? X
sorry if I wasn’t clear enough. In the context of a 2D pregnancy ultrasound, a cross section refers to a slice or cut-through view of the baby as seen on the ultrasound screen. Since 2D ultrasound images are flat, black-and-white representations, they show a specific plane of the body at a time. The cross section depends on the angle at which the ultrasound probe is placed.
Please don’t stress the ultrasounds always come out looking bizarre cos if the leg is bent slightly away from the scanning probe you won’t see it. If there was any cause for concern they would say something.