Our GP letter said to take Calpol with us to the appointment to administer after. once she had her vaccines they told me to give her 2.5ml x3, with 4-6 hrs between them. So gave one straight after, then one again 5hrs later and another again 5hrs later.
@Debi this is what they told me, too
You can buy calpol infant which is from 2 months 🥰 I gave it my little boy after his jabs and trust me, it is SO needed it helped keep his temperature down so well x
Our gp suggested calpol within 1 hour of him having the vaccinations. It was definitely needed. Calpol 2months+
Calpol can be used from the age of 2 months as long as they're over 4kg. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/baby/health/medicines-for-babies-and-children/