Same about to be 36 weeks tmmr and I’m just excepted and really nervous … but we did the first hard part now it’s the second part we gotta pray everything goes smooth
My first is 2.5 years and he is just the best. There are so many things to enjoy along the way. The beginning is hard, I won't say it's not, but take pictures, videos and enjoy the good moments because that's what you will remember. Sleepless nights and witching hours will not steal that joy from you. ❤️
Feeling the same but so excited to meet my baby girl 💕
Hey mama! I’m in the same boat, 35 weeks today, FTM. I’m also getting nervous anticipation jitters, but I’m trying to focus on the excitement I feel finally getting to meet my baby!! I know its overwhelming, I am SO overwhelmed. But what helps me is remembering that mamas have been doing this for literally centuries. Our instincts kick in, and we have everything we need innately to take care of our babies.