
Anyone else's 2 month old very colicky? Every night from around 8pm - midnight my boy will cry excessively even when fed, changed and all needs are met. He eventually settles and will sleep for 5 hours straight before next change and feed. Currently using Infacol and Dentinox colic drops
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Is he on formula? Maybe try a comfort formula if you are like cow and Gate comfort or aptamil comfort

Gripe water works better than infacol for us.

My baby boy isn't colicky but is around the same age as yours and is very fussy around bedtimes and feeding at the moment which I'm putting down to his growth spurt and 8 week sleep regression! Plus I've heard babies can peak with their crying and fussiness around this time!

Infacol gripe all that didn’t work just made it so much worse. He’s on kendamil comfort drops so much better x but sometimes this can also be the witching hour x

Does anyone know how quickly Dentinox should help? Thanks

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