Long post sorry, but desperate.

So I am 39, been trying for 2.5 years for our second child. Four miscarriages in that time. Based in Scotland. Been trying everything we can think of, vitamins of varying types (wellman, pregnacare, ovum, procieve for men), guaifenesin, Maca, stopped drinking alcohol, stopped drinking caffine, taking more excersise to lose weight. Now since last miscarriage (September 2024), we have had no sucess. Our fertility consultant (NHS) has said they have done all the tests they can (though they have never tested my husband) and so we have tried to get to a Tommy's clinic, but now been told by NHS Scotland they need evidence that they can offer any more tests/treatments than my current consultant can.... Which I thought we had already given them with their letter saying they have nothing more they can do. Meanwhile more time fits by, I get older and feel my re-productive time slipping away. I have cried most of this day away in sorrow, anger and frustration. I just don't know where to go from here. Please if we are missing something please tell me. How do I get referred to Tommy's, is there anything more I can take/do to help our chances. Please anything. Also we test for ovulation as well. Please please anything!
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Hi, message me… im in a similar boat and might be able to offer you advice from my fertility dr that you don’t already have. As it turns out it’s too long to write here as there is a character cap. I’m just starting to try again with some changes after fertility testing… my last miscarriage was September too. Had 4 miscarriages last year too. Have one healthy child too. Hope I can help.

I’m no expert at all but have you looked into the taking aspirin theory? My TikTok is full of miscarriage/pregnancy videos having gone through it myself and I’ve found a lot of woman started taking an aspirin a day and it stopped them miscarrying again. Also when you get pregnant does the dr put you of progesterone? Another thing to help keep the pregnancy. Something I’m not sure if it relates to you or if it’s even accurate but I’ve come across it a couple times is blood type. Like if yours are RH neg but the dad is pos then your body may attack the pregnancy. The getting pregnant part I’m unsure it took me a few months again and it seemed I wasn’t ovulating when I thought I was and as soon as I tried earlier it happened. Best of luck xx

@Shannon I messaged and waved at you yesterday. Not sure if messages get through if we aren't already connected?

@Hayley thanks for replying. The aspirin thing I've heard a bit about. Do you take it before conception or just once you are actually pregnant? Yes we had progesterone last time we were pregnant, it did seem to make thing last a bit longer, 8-9wks instead of 6-7wks before MC. If we get PG again I will take it again. Interesting about the RH blood type. Yes I am neg and partner pos. I had the injections for my first pregnancy, do you know when you need to get them in the second pregnancy?

Before conception just the low dose you can buy normally in the shops and then would continue taking it. I’m not sure no midwife has ever mentioned it to me. I’m currently pregnant 35 weeks and wasn’t offered it until the standard time about 20 weeks despite losses. It’s something I would definitely speak to your midwife about asap when you next get pregnant. I’ve saw people say they got the injection earlier but no timeline xx

I would really recommend reading the book 'it starts with the egg' it has helped so many women in my life and I have started putting it's ideas into practice too. I hope this helps xxx

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