Forward facing

I’m having to forward face my little girl but don’t know which car seat to go for, these are the 2 I narrowed it down to but not quite sure. Has anyone got any of them
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Is there a certain reason you have to forward face her?? Forward facing with a harness isn’t recommended

@Natalya she was fine in the car but the past couple months she’s refusing to get in the car and screaming aw to the point she’s going sick daily in the car

They look pretty similar to me. If you can afford it I’d recommend the joie 360, makes life easier to get them in and out. Is that your little one In the background? Made me chuckle, she’s testing them out

@Amy yes that’s her😂 she was demanding sitting in all of them. We have the graco 360 turn 2 me but I feel forward facing it looks strange I’ll try and get a photo

It doesn’t want to be flush against the seat for some reason so though it would be safer to get a proper one that would be flush

If you look in the manual there will be a button which will shorten the isofix which will make it flush against the seat

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