Where do I find that x
That is an organization sharing all the info on breech vaginal birth
Ohh thank you 😊
I was in the same situation and declined an ECV as everyone who I spoke to who’d had it said it was unsuccessful. Went ahead and booked in for an ‘elective’ section but my waters broke 5 days beforehand and baby arrived via emergency section instead
@Lucy if the baby stays breech I think I will take the same route as you, but I’m hoping she will turn back around again
@khadijah it is disheartening not having the birth that you want, however the end result is the same either way and I would do it again and again to have my little girl safely here 💖 I hope it all goes well for you!
I had an ECV was unsuccessful they tried to flip her 3 times and didn't work ended up having a c-section at 39+3 and was a lovely experience wasn't the birth I had planned for but was surprisingly peaceful was really lovely
I had an ECV, it was successful on the first try, took maybe 5 minutes from start to finish, it was practically painless, and he was born vaginally head first 2 weeks later. I’d do it all over again if needed. I literally skipped back to my room for routine monitoring.
look at Breech Without Borders