Anyone have NIPT for gender be wrong ?

I did NIPT and I got female but the fetal fraction was really low at only 3.2% , my boys was always 7% and above and also I did sneak peek at 9 weeks and it said boy , I did SNAP! The hands free device which sneak peak says little to no male contamination
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Sneak peak is totally inaccurate! Was wrong for several of my friends. NIPT was right for me and others

NIPT was correct for my 2. I’d be inclined to believe the NIPT test over any of the others as it’s like 99.9% accurate

SneakPeek has always been accurate for me, but so had NIPT.

@Susan yup! I seen it accurate for some and not for some with sneak peek! But my gender scan is Friday 😍😍😍💙🫶🏻🤞🏻

I wish you the best of luck. I bet you're hoping for a girl at this point?

@Susan boy cuz I have so many boys it would be easier this way🤣

@Susan either way I’ll be ok! Thanks love💙🫶🏻💙🫶🏻

I hope it works out for you! Best of luck and God bless!

@Susan thanks love for being so kind🥹💙💙💙💙🫶🏻

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