High chair

Anyone’s LO still using high chair to eat? I can barely get mine to sit in it for dinner. Breakfast and lunch, she’s usually playing and I have to feed her.
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Mine is, I put him in his high chair every time he eats, he gets fussy and tries to climb out when he wants more, but I can't be chasing him around trying to feed him 😂

My son uses a high chair for every meal except for lunch time at daycare. At daycare he sits in a kids chair at a table.

We do. Ours still loves hers. We bought her a booster seat for our nook table but we've been waiting for her to seem interestes in a change.

We still do. But I don’t force her to sit in it. Depending on the day and mood. But it’s so good during dinner time.

Ok maybe I need to enforce better eating habits lol it is tiring to chase her around to feed her 🤣 She will only sit if she’s watching something and I try not to let her watch during mealtimes.

Mine uses a high chair buttt sometimes if it’s a non messy meal i’ll put it on a low table in his room or our room and he will eat at it while he plays

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