@Amelia haha mine says he’s done as well and would like his sleep back
Id totally have another with a 7 week old and 6 year old at home 👀😂
Same! Have a three year old and my six week old and would genuinely start trying again tomorrow! Hubby is a definite no so will need to work on him if I have any chance 🤣
No thank you🤣🙈
Solid nope from me (21mo and 4wo). I hate the newborn stage. I'm looking forward to smiles, giggles and interaction. And some sleep!
My baby is 3 weeks old and I couldn’t think of anything worse than another baby lol my oldest is 13 and my middle child is 9. So been quite hard starting all over again and he now has a milk allergy so first few weeks he was unsettled and in agony so been quite hard, he’s now on neocate lcp milk xx
I'm feeling the same a bit, my girls are the same ages as yours and I don't feel done having children yet but my husband is admant we're done after 2! Hoping I'll convince him for a 3rd in time but maybe with a bigger gap between 😬