I had my second son who will be 4 months on Saturday and I definitely want another but know it’s best to wait as my oldest is a whirlwind and them both on their feet together scares me 🫣😂
Speaking from someone who has 5 children, 4 of which are under 4 it's immensely hard work. I don't think there's any right or wrong here but loads to consider in having them so close for example a good support network, hands on partner, ability to remain calm (it gets real overstimulating sometimes) militant routine.......just a few things to consider but leaving it too long as I have 9 year gap between the 2 eldest can prove to have it's issues also for example liking different things being 2 different stages of life, attention for the eldest etc. I can safely say I will not be giving into my baby urges from here on out 🤣🤣 om the good days you do find yourself in awe if tge family you've created and seeing how the youngest 4 all show there love and affection towards one another excites me for what's to come throughout ours years together ❤️
i so would but we've agreed to have a little break😅 i want to have weaned my toddler and baby by the time i get pregnant again because breastfeeding while pregnant was agony for me, so giving myself about 4 years. but i soooo miss being pregnant and would do it again sooner if my husband agreed😅
I'm 40 this year so I don't really have the luxury or time. I struggled to get pregnant with my daughter initially so I don't even know if I could get pregnant again and the longer time goes on the more my fertility decreases.
@Kate big hugs mama & congratulations on your daughter!! 🥰 I feel you - I’m 28 but have severe endometriosis & a history of cancer so my fertility is not great I don’t have many eggs remaining, I’d loveeeee more children but know I must be patient and wait & what will be will be! I just love this squishy little baby so much I didn’t think my own child could make me soooo broody for more?! It’s crazy!! Hormones 🙈🙈
I think it starts to kick in when you get more sleep 😅 I have an 18 month age gap (emergency section then VBAC) and it’s certainly full on 😂 we would like more but I think my husband would prefer a slightly bigger gap as it went from pregnancy, baby and breastfeeding straight into pregnancy again and it’s a lot on your body x
It’s strange cos I feel the exact same! Like soooo in love I wish I could have 10 more!! I’m 37 so would be lucky to have another 1 or 2 😆! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
I hated pregnancy but its so weird now I miss it and feel like I want to be pregnant again! I would love another baby but our little boy was IVF so not sure if we'll ever be able to have another. I just cherish every second, it's so special.
My daughter was four months last week and I said to my Fiancé last night that I would have another 5 more!! 😂