Its not an accurate science so if you know when you ovulated and likely conceived then you’re probably closer than they are :)
It moved 1 day 😂
My app has been more accurate then the midwives predictions both times 😅 though I was 13 weeks with my first I was only 10 and this time thought I was 12 weeks, I was 9 . Gotta trust your apps and yourself 😅
Our 12wks we were 12+6 x
My last pregnancy I was told I was due 26th October but found out after baby that I was actually due at least 19th October. I carried to 28th October with pre eclampsia and big baby. Hopefully this time they will be better
I thought I was 10+6 but was told I was 11+5. By my LMP they thought I would be 12+3.