Struggling with gas

My 3.5 week old baby is really struggling with trapped wind. He is actually pooping at least twice a day but it’s the inbetween that seems to be the problem. Every time he’s awake he’s grunting, straining and in clear discomfort. We do everything we can including massages, leg movements, general movements, keeping him upright, but nothing seems to work and he clearly is in some kind of pain. We did take him to the GP had about two weeks ago who gave him the all clear in terms of his bowel movements but is there anything else that anyone has done or anyone that is in a similar situation that can advise before I ring the GP again this week? He’s also exclusively BF from the breast and bottle, thanks.
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Have you tried something like infacol?

My son is exactly the same, we’ve actually nicknamed him Rex as he keeps making dinosaur noises 😅 we’ve also had the all clear from the heath visitor who said some babies are just like this 🤷🏼‍♀️ We have tried infacol which has helped slightly

This is exactly my son but it's in his sleep he's super gassy, constantly straining and letting out tiny pumps. I've put it down to the formula, he's on kendamil and think it's just too rich for his tummy, I've recently changed to Hipp and hoping it helps x

Yes, second colic baby for me! At least I have lived through it and know it will stop soon enough, so just riding the storm for now

We have the same issue. I am using infacol and I will try gripe water too. It helps a little but the health visitor said it takes a while because his gut is immature

@Loren tried that, didn’t have any affect!

Drink peppermint tea if you are breast feeding. Works a treat. X

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