Growth scans vs baby weight

Hi all, just wondering if anybody had regular growth scans throughout pregnancy and what their babies birth weight was vs their estimated centile/fetal weight during pregnancy. I’m currently pregnant with our first baby and she is measuring above the 90th centile, I’m 34 w 5 d and they estimate her at 6lb 2oz so interested to know how accurate these are and if I’m to prepare for a BIG baby!🤣x
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I had this throughout my pregnancy he was measuring bigger at every growth scan and he was born 8lb so I wouldn't expect a big baby as he was measuring over 8lb just before he was born and came out small xx

I had growth scans throughout and was measured at around 8lb 6oz a week before I gave birth, and actually had a 9lb 5oz baby who is now on the 98th centile for everything at 8 weeks 😂

Thank you both! They did say to me there is up to 10% margin of error I’m just curious about other people’s experiences as they’re trying to encourage induction due to her being estimated on the bigger side! Xx

My daughter was measuring big, I think the last estimate was 7lb13 at around 36/37 weeks. I was consultant led due to it being an IVF pregnancy, so they had already talked about induction and then after this they were pushing induction again. I really didn’t want to be induced as it seems fairly common for induction to end in emergency c-section. I also felt their reasons didn’t make sense as they said they wanted to induce early as there’s a risk of shoulder dystocia with a big baby, but being induced increases the risk of shoulder dystocia. Thankfully she decided to arrive at 38+6 and weighed 7lb12oz, so the last scan was fairly accurate if she didn’t gain any weight in the last week or 2.

Thank you so much! I’m also consultant led due to raised BMI so they have been pushing induction from the start as expected me to have a big baby and the same with shoulder, they also advised me that induction would reduce the risk of me needing intervention via C-section which I think is false-as you say, all I ever hear is inductions resulting in intervention! I haven’t developed gestational diabetes and they’re not concerned about her size but still pushing induction. Praying she also makes an appearance before they want to schedule the induction! X

I had growth scans 🙂. My babys weight was estimated at 8lb 13 at 39+6, she arrived exactly one week later and weighed 9lb 9oz on the 91st centile! 😅

My growth scans were pretty accurate! Baby was measuring on 97th centile, estimated 8lbs 8 at 37 weeks. Was born at 9lbs at 39 + 2 via c-section

I had a growth scan at 38 weeks that estimated my little girl to be 9lb 8oz and she was 10lb 3oz 😳😂

My lb was under 3rd centile the entire pregnancy and had growth scans every two weeks . Was induced at 37 weeks 3 days and he was born 5lb 11 x

I had growth scans throughout my pregnancy, I had one 2 or 3 days before I gave birth and he measured 7Ib 2oz which wasn’t true as when he was born he actually came out at 6Ib 4oz 😂 x

Incog - just to add to my baby being 9lbs 5oz, I ended up being 13 days overdue and was induced, but I was absolutely devastated because I tried everything to go into natural labour and always said I didn’t want an induction, but my birth was really amazing! Managed on just gas and air with no intervention, so please don’t believe all inductions are terrible, because they aren’t!

My son was measuring 32w2d-5lbs, 84th percentile. 36w2d-8lbs 3oz, 99th percentile 39w2d-11lbs 9oz, >99th percentile He ended up being exactly 10lbs at birth at 39w4d, so 98th percentile. The margin of error is 15% for ultrasound weight estimates and he weighed almost 15% less than that last weight estimate. So he was big, but they were way off. I had a planned c section because by 36 weeks he was measuring full term +2 days and his head was measuring 44 weeks and a day, his head has never left the "greater than 99th percentile" since that 36 week ultrasound and he is now 20 months old 🤦🏻‍♀️

I had growth scans every 2 weeks from 26 weeks (id had anatomy scand at 20 and then 23 weeks because baby wouldn't behave). She was measuring about 37% they predicted at 39 weeks 7lb. She was born at 40+2 at 7lb 2oz. She was long so everyone thought she was well over 8oz and surprised she weighed so little.

There is a margin of error however I had them with both my pregnancies and they were bang on 🤣

@Scarlet 🤍 also second this! I had an induction with my second and was really apprehensive about it and it was an amazing experience! X

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