Full pay for kit days once smp kicks in.
You’ll get a full days salary in total when doing a kit day. You wont get a full day salary in addition to your mat pay. So if you are already getting paid full wage then there’s no point doing one, SMP you’ll be topped up to a full day.
@Laura this is not correct at my work. I get a full days pay in addition to my SMP for that day
@Rachel agreed!
Depends on the company. Some pay a KIT day plus SMP, some knock the SMP off when you do a KIT day.
@Elizabeth this shouldn’t happen as SMP is from the government and KIT day pay is from your employer. Your employer doesn’t have the right to remove your government benefit
@Elizabeth they MUST pay you at least minimum wage for your hours, if they're not then they are decidedly dodgey! Look it up! 🤣
My contract gives me days in leau off for any KIT days I do.
You should be paid in full, your day rate of pay when you are on SMP