We got a buggy board with a seat . Just made most sense . Double buggies are expensive and she might not even want to seat in it for long 🙌🏼
Before baby #2 came I thought oh I’ll just baby wear and have the buggy board for when toddler is ready. VERY quickly realized that wouldn’t work after the baby got here. We have a baby city jogger double now and it’s wonderful.
Depends how far you walk in a week, I’ve decided a double buggy is the way for us as each week we walk 40mins to one baby group and 20mins to another one and it’s just not fair to expect my 2 year old to walk that far at the speed I’d like him too
I'm due in 2 months and my son will turn 2 then, we bought a Veebee Co-rider, one that has a seat and steering wheel to hook onto the pram (or shopping trolley) because he went through a phase of hating the pram. He now tolerates the pram again 😅 so we will see how he goes in the co-rider with newborn in the pram. We don't go for very long walks though
Thanks all, definitely gave me food for thought 😀
My daughter refused to use a pushchair past 18 months. We have a buggy board.