That’s a big policy change from 90% for 6 weeks (SMP) to 90% for 6 months! Do they have an implementation date and qualifying criteria?
I should have said, I work for a small company. I was the first to go off on mat leave for many years! I think it’s changed now as they have had a few women leave in quick succession who have given the low maternity offering as one of their reasons for leaving. I did ask if they would offer any thing enhanced before my mat leave started but was advised that they wouldn’t and that they were meeting their legal requirements
It is being implemented straight away. And the qualifying criteria is 2 years working for them. I’ve been there for 8years x
I can’t imagine so because why would they? I have a 5 year old and to put him in nursery it cost more than our mortgage. I couldn’t help but feeling pissed off that soon after he got older and we got the 30 free hours which helped with the cost, they announced they are increasing funded hours! Fortunately we can benefit from it with our 2nd child but still…. Thousands of pounds we spent during those first few years on fees. It’s just life I’m afraid!
HR here, usually no they wouldn’t backdate at all; I was actually the reason they made a policy change because I went off just 6 months after returning on maternity leave so they needed to limit their enhanced for financial coverage. Usually the policy has a start date and that’s the date it starts, you can certainly ask but they are under no obligation to back pay this and it would be a payroll nightmare to do if a small business; they may do it as a good well gesture but I’ll be honest very unlikely, it’s like any policy, we’ve just changed our paternity policy to allow men to be paid similar to women for a set period of time and there’s no back pay for them that have taken paternity leave before, our workforce is 80% men so it wouldn’t have been able to be back paid due to budgets..
No they wouldn’t backdate as they may be in a financially better place than they were when you were on maternity leave and they won’t need to backdate as there are no laws around this. They’d have to backdate for basically everyone who has ever gone on maternity leave since the company started and they wouldn’t be able to survive it (financially)
I’m afraid not- I went back to work early- (6months) and a couple weeks after I was back they amended the mat leave to 9minths full pay and upon return every Friday off for 6 months- people currently off on mat leave were able to extend and be covered- but as I already just got back I wasn’t entitled
Thanks for your answers everyone. I’ll let it go, and be thankful of it if we have another one ☺️
I doubt it, because if they did it for you, they’d have to do it for everyone else. I know it’s frustrating x