Social worker, will be returning for 2.5 days per week. But pay will be a lot less than what you’re getting. No weekend work, no nights. Mostly working from home with occasional visits.
I’m a secretary in an accountants (if anyone needs an accountant let me know as I get a voucher if I recommend someone who comes on board 😂) and earn less than you for 5 days a week full time hours
@Sophie my stepsons mum teaches children in care life skills, so very similar children/behaviours to what I’m used to and she’s on a slightly lower wage than me but again no weekends, no nights and gets school holidays off so this could be an option
@Bee I’d absolutely love to be a social worker, the boys I look after at work have the best social worker but his work load is mental. I thought you’d be paid a lot more than me being a social worker, did you have to go to uni for it?
@Rachael I thought accountants were on very good money
I’m in adoption now and love what I do. I’m not at the top of the scale, but the top scale reaches £51k full time. Front line social workers are paid more due to the complexity of their role. Agency pays a lot more but you need 3 years experience first. You need a BA in social work, or an apprenticeship degree or a Step Up program if you already have a degree.
I work in sales of art supplies for a small company. I do two days per week, so about 11k per year.
I earn around the same as you, but on 4 days a week in Marketing. It’s never enough though whatever you earn! And you always wish for more time off🙈
I’m a quality engineer in an aerospace company and take home the same as you 4 days a week
I am a nurse and take home around £3000. But I do pay around £550 per month into my works pension so if didn’t pay into that my take home would be more. I also live in Scotland so pay around £150 more per month into income tax on my salary than I would elsewhere in the UK. I work Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm. Never do weekends, nights, or bank holidays :) x
My take home is around £1900 for 30 hours a week as a management accountant.
I work in Technology, software engineering field, my take-home after tax, pension, NI, is £3xxx. I work in a London-based office, but is flexible to work from other closer-to-home office, for me, being Reading. I WFH 2 days a week and 3 days in office, just normal Monday-Friday working days. I suppose to start work at 9am and finish at half 5 but is flexible with that too, so don’t always have to start at 9 and/or finish at 5, as long as I got all the hours down and I do my job well they’re fine with it.
@Bee social worker also but work in front line. Hoping I can go back on reduced days too 🤞
@Danielle fingers crossed! I wanted 3 days but was given the option of 2.5 only but better than going back full time for me. Good luck x
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@Bee I was hoping for 3 too, will see what they say if it has to be 2.5 I’ll do the same want to be part time till she’s 2 at least I think, and thank you. Hope all is well for you when you go back x
Police and roughly £2000 but I’m not in pension. 30 hours a week but there is overtime options and bank holidays
I’m an early years assistant in a council nursery, I work 4 days a week term time and take home about £1200 a month
Accountants are! I’m a secretary
@Danielle I hope they agree! Thank you so much x
I'm a teacher and I take home a bit more than you for a four day week. It's a lot of work though and you'd probably have to take a pay cut in the short term until you worked your way up the pay scale. It would be helpful in the school holidays though as you wouldn't have to pay for childcare.