
Sorry if tmi.. my ovulation sticks are still negative however today my discharge was very wet and the way it is when they say you are ovulating? So would I be or not?
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Is there a chance you can BD once you get the EWCM I am 3weeks 4 days we bd on the 12 Jan and every other day Basically bd once you get the EWCM

We bd two hours after I saw the EWCM as sperm can live in the body for days while you’re waiting for it to show on the stick the sperm might just meet an egg

You should be getting shiny stretchy egg white cervical fluid several days before you actually ovulate so that’s good and normal, as others have said it’s a great sign to start having sex every day or two because sperm can live in your body waiting for the egg up to 5 days and based on your test I’d say you will very likely ovulate in the next 5 days

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