Momcozy will be your best friend along with Fridababy
I usually put stuff we needed for the first year cuz then I would make a new wish list for her year birthday so then she can get stuff for her birthday. That was helpful for us. So really just focusing on the first year for baby registry. As for items I found it super helpful to look at registries of other friends or influencers that have the same style I like.
I would suggest the motorized nail filer is a must have. I have NEVER used a nail clipper cuz that shit freaks me out. So the filer is really nice to have and super easy to use.
@Laura-May okay the birthday makes sense idk why I didn’t think of that !
I think it also depends on how much space you have to store things. My son is almost nine months and we are overrun with stuff. I refuse to buy anything that will not be used in the next three months. Do not buy tons of clothes as you have no idea how baby will grow and when they will be a particular size. My nephew is almost exactly two years older than my son. Birthdays are three days apart. My baby is almost out of 12 month clothes and most of our hand me downs from my nephew in that size are summer clothes so we haven’t even touched them.
I ordered many things, but to name a few: Graco pack & play, infant into baby carrier, Graco stroller & car seat, Frida grow with me bath tub, diaper pale, portable bouncer, Graco duet connect seat & bouncer, play mat baby gym, mom cozy baby monitor, mom cozy wearable breast pump, etc, etc..