Annoyingly I’ve seen a lot of comments about momcozy not being suitable for newborns despite their advertising - it should be a better fit from from 3 months onwards. Maybe a stretchy wrap for now? We have a koala cuddle band which is great because 90% of the work is done for you. Also have a Tula on the way which is a bit more structured.
I would make sure the sling or wrap or carrier is for a newborn. Not all of them are. I kept my lo in a wrap until she was big enough for the carrier. Maybe about 3/4 months she was good to go in the carrier
You can get cheaper wraps on Amazon. I think I have a kea babies one. They are comfortable to wear imo
Momcozy isn't really meant for newborns. and you shouldn't stretch their legs out
Sollybaby is a good stretchy wrap. I think there's some wrap style carriers. Boppy comfy fit hybrid carrier is a wrap style but has a buckle at the bottom
So it's more like a cheaper half buckle
I had the same problem with my carrier when my girl was smaller. I bought a wrap on Amazon (like 20 quid) and used that until her legs were longer! You can just wrap their legs in a comfy position then even if they're not hanging out!
Momcozy is not suitable for newborns because the panel is too wide as you've discovered. You'll need something else until baby is about 3 months old, or just going in to 3 to 6 months clothes as that's when they tend to fit
Invest in a moby soft wrap, they are sooooo good
Have you adjusted the size of the leg part? There are poppers you can make it smaller x
I have a momcozy as well and did not initially realize there are buttons at the bottom that adjust for when theyre smaller. But definitely try to follow guidlines like keeping their legs and hips in an M form, andmake sure the support falls somewhere between their shoulders and ears. And yly should be able to kiss the top of their head withlut straining. If you cant manage these despjte adjustments, the carrier isnt appropriate!
I used a sling type carrier in the beginning. My daughter is 5 months and we're just switching to a carrier now
As others have said the momcozy isn’t really suitable until 3 months or so, you won’t get a good fit on a newborn. The baby wearing UK Facebook group is so helpful x
A lot of slings which say suitable from birth are actually too big for most newborns, much like many car seats unfortunately. Many slings are also generally outgrown before LO has reached the upper weight limit. The edges of the carrier should sit in LO's knees. If it's too wide then baby is still too small for it. I'd definitely visit a local sling library if you can. They can give you lots of tips and you can try out different slings to see which suits you and LO best. There are also some online sling libraries and baby wearing consultants who can help if you can't get to somewhere in person
Have you visited your local sling library? I had a babybjorn baby carrier for my first and he hated it too and went there to try some others out. Found a different one that worked for us so would definitely recommend as they have quite a few you can try