
I recently started using ovulation strips and got pregamate from target. I’ve been using it for the past few days now and it’s all been negative. I am on day 13 and I still see a faint line. When should I expect to see a darker line on these strips?? I have PCOS but my periods are perfect 28 day cycle.
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I have also been using these strips, I’d just continue to test twice a day at least until the line starts to darken. I wouldn’t pay attention to the app either because the app is telling me one thing and the strips another. It’s been very confusing. Just test twice a day if you can and the app now that it’s actually been updated too, it will tell you exactly where you’re at.

Thanks Jessica

Someone also mentioned once you get a test higher than 0.75 to start having sex every other day. Good luck! Xo

Right now we’ve been having sex everyday for the past 4 days and we schedule it so I am in bed for 30 mins atleast.

There shouldn't be pink on the background you want to take a picture once it's fully developed.

i was just going to say the background shouldn’t be pink. one of my friends got a faulty pack of those and was super frustrated because the lines were all the same and then started taking a different brand and also was still using the pregmate ones to compare and they were way off

Ohhh!!! Thank you for this. I did not even realise the background was pink

@Jessica oh I don’t know this either, good to know

When it's pink it's still developing. Wait for the test to fully develop usually 3-5ish minutes before determining if it's positive or not

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