Have a search for a company called active quote online, they work for a lot of the comparison sites but offer financial advice about what policies could work and how long you'd have to have the cover for etc prior, my husband used to work for them doing the income protection and life insurance side but they also offer the private medical insurance too! A lot of companies won't though include a preexisting medical condition and most don't include general maternity care, only for if you then needed care for something else xx
I have endometriosis too (stage 4) - most companies do not cover maternity care. You’d probably have to pay for your own ultrasound scans if you want them that regularly. Depending on your budget I’d look into the Portland and look at consultant and midwife packages - there the only place I can think of.
In private medicine there are usually two options 1. Insurance 2. Self-funders. Maternity care is overwhelmingly not covered by private medical insurance in the UK. Your best bet is to seek an obs&gyn consultant privately as a self funder to include scans and midwife. Some hospitals in London offer private antenatal consultant led care packages but they mainly accept self-funding patients.
Maternity cover like this is generally not a thing in the UK. What you can do though is self fund by going directly to a provider. We paid for a package and got some additional scans and testing with my first just for reassurance. It was important to me that it was with a medical professional and not just someone at an ultrasound place like Window to the Womb. However, with my second I was pretty confident everything would be fine after it was all good first time so went several times to Window to the Womb for fun extra scans 😂
I was due to have a laparoscopy two weeks after finding out I’m pregnant for suspected endometriosis and the nhs have been great about it. When I had my booking appointment the midwife allocated me to a consultant because of the endometriosis and as a result I’ll be having three extra growth scans from 30+ weeks. Obviously our situations are different as my endo hadn’t been confirmed before pregnancy, but my consultant said usually endo doesn’t cause any complications. The only reason for the growth scans is that they don’t know where my adhesions are so they’re just going to check they’re not affecting the baby in the later stages. I’ve had three private scans with window to the womb for reassurance which were about £60-80 each and everything looking good so far 😊
Also, in terms of support for complications, I’ve had to ring my maternity triage line 3 times and the midwives have been so supportive and ensured I’ve been checked out/got what I needed! They encourage you to ring as soon as you suspect any issues and I’ve never felt let down.
I have mine through work with a company called WPA. Not sure if they do personal insurance policies or just for workplaces though. I've claimed for 3 private scans so far under the Lifestage Health element of the policy.
I think a lot of private health insurance don’t cover pregnancy because you’re not sick?
@Esther yes it’s because pregnancy is a choice/ lifestyle but let’s be honest it’s the liabilities and that things can sometimes go wrong. I think maternity is the highest for litigation on the NHS.
Personally would recommend beneden but I’m not sure how they are with maternity. I would ring a check! They are the best in my opinion and extremely cheap x