Maxi Cosi Pearl i think it's called x
Cybex T cloud I size
I’ve got an Axkid minikid 4 for my girl. And my 3yo boy is still doing well in his Axkid minikid 2 which is the slightly cheaper option as the 4 (same as CeeCee, both extended rear facing)
Cybex T i-size. Looking to get the cybex sirona soon but he still fits in the first one and is under 13kg so it’s still fine
Silver Cross Motion 360 in our main family car and we still use our Cybex Cloud Z in my husbands car x
Maxi-Cosi Mica Pro Eco
Britax Max-Safe pro its extended rear facing and wasn’t a horrendous price. Little man is super happy in it!
Axkid- it's extended rear facing!
Axkid movekid in mine and britax romer max safe pro in my mums
Still in maxi cosi pebble plus as hasn’t yet outgrown it, but then will move to Axkid move which was her brothers extended rear facing seat.
We have an Axkid Move and and Avionaut Sky, both are extended rear facing