Look for your local sling library and get advice from them. For sure not too late to carry. Just remember carriers are unique to ohr bodies, what works for me might not work for you so recommendations are great buy sadly not much helpful. Find carriers that are ergonomic, do not buy BabyBjron carriers. And I repeat to find a sling library because it’s important to learn to carry safely. It’s not just putting the baby in and thats it. Airways have to be checked and open, baby’s back and hips have to be positioned correctly, your comfort, etc. The sling libraries are free, you get professional support and get to try the carriers. And even at the beginning before investing in one you can hire them and make sure it is the one for you. Once you find the carrier for you, its great! My little one is 2yo and we still carry her from time to time. The easiness when in busy places, traveling and having her close is amazing! Good luck!!
Agreed!! Avoid Baby Bjorn, Nuby or anything generic that can’t really get a safe and comfortable fit for baby. Babywearing UK Facebook group is super helpful for fit checks but I’d also advise visiting a sling library to get to grips with some carriers x
I can’t remember where the sling library was now, I think it was Selby?? If they’re still running. I love the Tula Explore, can use parent facing or front facing once they have good head control (then back carry at a year old). I started wearing just for short periods around the house and slowly got longer and outdoors. This time of year I find difficult because it’s either windy or the sun is super low so my baby hates being carried in those conditions.
Hi @Ruth. That’s so funny because we have a baby Bjorn and I absolutely hate it. It’s awful so I’m going to go to those sling libraries and see what better suited for me. Love that you are still carrying your little one around, so sweet. Xx
I just want to say that it depends on your preference and the baby. I actually love my baby Bjorn ...
@Kyrie you can back carry from 6 months once they can sit independently
@Krissy a sling library is definitely worth it. I still carry my 2.5 year old too :)
Definitely not too late. What carrier have you got?