It would be worth checking your airline website for information. A lot of them allow two items for free so both car seat and pram and some even allow you to use your pram all the way up to the boarding gate and then they’ll go put it in the hold for you x
If it goes in the hold make sure you have a carrier as you will not have access to it until baggage claim x
I recently went to Portugal, we hired a car so it was super handy to have a doona. I bought second hand on fb and it was a god send. If you’re not planning to be in and out of cars much then I’d maybe just take a travel buggy for ease of being out and about with baby while you’re away. X
I only flew a few times with a 2nd hand pram because I didn’t want them to destroy mine and then rented a car seat abroad. Some taxi companies have car seats as well, so you can request it while booking. I know some people only travel with the car seat and pram frame with adaptors, so that’s a good option too. In each case you should be able to take the main pram either to the gate and they will take care of it for you.
Heyy, I’ve recently travelled with a car seat and pram frame and checked it in with the airline, I was then able to use it around the airport, then left it outside the airplane for them to put in the hold. I then had a carrier for when we landed and had to go through security. I have come across travel prams that can be folded into a cabin size and can come with you on the plane, I think that’s the more convenient for my future travels.