Fed up with talking about the pregnancy/baby!

This may be a bit of a weird one but.. Is anyone else just a bit fed up of always being asked about how pregnancy is going or how the baby is? Don’t get me wrong, I’m super grateful to be pregnant! But this journey has been really tough and I’ve mentally found it really draining. And sometimes I just don’t always want to be talking about the baby, you know? I still have other interests outside of this pregnancy. Sometimes I feel like I’m being treated like a vessel for this grandchild/nephew/cousin/whatever and that’s all they care about now. It’s exhausting! Please tell me I’m not the only one who feels this?
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Very common and I think it carries on way past pregnancy. Most conversations after will be about baby 😂

I feel you. I live in a small community and was away for two months and knew EVERYONE would be going on and on about my bump and baby now that I’m back and I just want to do my shop 😭

No I’m the same, and I hate that there’s this mindframe that because you’re having/have had a baby, you no longer matter. It’s “yeah but baby first”, of course 100% it’s baby first and will always be baby first, but I matter too you know? I believe it’s why a lot of mothers feel so alone… we really are just treated as vessels x

@Scarlet it’s just a bit of a shame. Of course I’m happy to talk about the baby, but I just don’t want ALL my conversations to be about the baby, you know? 😅

@Leonie I’m on holiday at the moment and I can’t even send a picture of the scenery without someone bringing up “but where’s the bump?” 😐😂

That’s so annoying!! I have an insta with 15k followers (not massive but people are sweet for caring) and I’ve not shared my pregnancy on there and I love it. Feels so good to have a place where I can just talk about other things without getting questions about the baby. Especially bc living on an island people are SO concerned and I’ve never once asked for a city person’s opinion on when they think I should go to hospital but have /gotten/ ALL the opinions 🙃

i remember crying at work when everyone gave me a basket with baby stuff in before mat leave cause i’d already bought loads of baby stuff i wanted something for me😂 i’m on my second pregnancy and it’s so different to my first, people don’t care as much this time around

I very much feel this! I am actually avoiding my MIL (😬) because I cannot stand the constant cooing, fussing, asking me what I’ve bought and comments on my body 🙄

@Robyn I’m sorry you’re feeling the same way, it’s not a nice one is it? I wish I could just block out all the external noise and just focus on myself/my other half, because it’s affecting how much I’m enjoying the pregnancy 😞

@Aimee oh bless you! How do you find it being pregnant second time around, in regards to this kind of topic? Is it a little bit easier to have less attention, or is that a bit of a shame?

@Toni-Louise I’m exactly the same here, avoiding my MIL for the same reasons 😅 We’re trying to be really minimalist with what we’re buying for baby, so we’ve asked her not to get anything and it seems like she’s respecting that, but I think she can’t channel her energy into buying bits so I get all the questions and attention instead 🤦‍♀️😂

I was wondering if anybody feels the same, I don’t want to see people anymore because it’s so boring to only be asked about the pregnancy and nothing else 😏 Like suddenly people have nothing else to talk about with me and I became invisible… I dread that after birth it will stay the same, people will only ask about a baby…

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