Stay at Home mums

Any stay at home mums? And if so what is your daily routine staying home with baby? And have you got any plans going back to work in future?
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Dad gets up with baby at 7:30am feeds him changes him n puts him bk to bed then I get up with baby at 11:30am feed n then we start our day. Tues, wed, Thurs we go to baby groups in the mornings we will get up a bit earlier on those days. Other days we will go see grandparents or do some shopping. If we r home for the day we play, read books, sing songs in his awake windows when he naps I do bits around the house. My maternity ends in June so will have to go bk to work them which I'm super sad about I love being a stay at home mum while on maternity it's my dream job just sad it doesn't pay xx

@Willow oh okay sounds like a dream routine😂 I want to start baby groups I just don’t know where to start with it how old is your boy?

He's 5 months today. Are you uk based? If so I can potentially give pointers on how to find free baby groups x

I’m a SAHM to a 3 almost 4 year old and a 9 month old and have been since my first was born and until they are both in full time education. I get up with the 9mo around 4:30 5 on a bad day but will go back to sleep my oldest gets up anywhere between 7-8 depending on if he has nursery Monday Wednesday and Friday which he does 8:30-11:30 . We have an allotment and chickens so tend to them in the morning early afternoon then will tend errands or go do an activity I make tea for the boys for 5pm and dad come home at 5:30 he’s out from 6:30 in the morning then bath kids etc both in bed/sleep by 8 then make/have tea with partner then and go bed around 10/10:30 where I co sleep with my 9mo 🥰🥰

Sahm till mat leave ends in the next couple months 🥲 My baby girl is 5 months old and wakes up anytime between 8-10am. Ill feed her, change her then if im staying home for the day, we have play time and ill generally put a load of washing on, empty dishwasher and general tidying. Then she’ll have a nap around 1/2pm. Then More playtime and housework. Nap again around 6. I’ll make dinner and maybe meal prep. Then shes awake again from 7-10pm though she may have a short nap at 8. She has looooong wake windows so it can be hard keeping her occupied. I EBF her every 3 hours so i try to do 9am, 12, 3, 6, 9pm. So my schedule works around her feeding schedule. My weekly schedule now is: Mondays i go to my mums house by 12pm, i feed her when I arrive then i go gym. Tuesdays baby sensory at 1.30pm. Wednesdays home day or local community centre drop in baby classes. Thursdays home day. Fridays baby swimming at 12.30pm. Saturdays usually visiting friends. Sundays church at 11am then mum in laws x

@Willow wait your baby wakes up at 11:30am for the day?!

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