What about pausing the actual making part by using protection again, but then making lots of positive steps to help get your body ready for when you start again? Not saying you aren’t doing good things now, just might be a good way to frame it in your mind? Keep taking your prenatal vitamins (both of you), Coq10 is a good one to add in if you’re not taking it already. Lots of things take 3 months to filter through to egg and sperm production anyway. Add in some exercise if you aren’t already - even a quick walk in the fresh air with baby 1 when you can. Have you got some time to take up a hobby to de-stress a bit? All little things but they could have small positive impacts 😊 It’s a tough slog when you struggle to get pregnant (took me 18 months with my first). I liked listening to infertility podcasts to help me understand things a bit better and not feel so alone xx
If you feel pausing would be positive towards your mental health in the long run, then do that and try in a few months time. Just be prepared (as you are) that it might take a while and the plan may not work x
We stopped in November and said we'd try again after Christmas and first time trying again I found out I was pregnant The last thing you want to do is stress over it as that won't be helping xx