
Hey! I’ve had a pretty stressful pregnancy. Bleeding and an SCH first trimester, short cervix and cervical stitch in second trimester and now I’m 31 weeks in the most anxious I’ve been, I’m constantly scared of his movements, I’ve been to hospital twice in the last month for reduced fetal movements and he’s been fine. But I just feel this is the worst trimester for anxiety. Anybody else feel the same?! Is it because it’s getting closer?! I’m scared to leave the house, constantly feel down and scared that something bad is going to happen. I’ve never felt like this. X
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Have you managed to talk to your midwife? I feel quite anxious and I have been given mental health support. Might also be good to speak to doctors or seek private counselling if you can afford it. Happy to chat if youd like, just message me x

@Hannah I’ve never seen the same midwife, it’s a different one each time. I have contacted mindful mum’s though for some help. X

Ohhh thats horrible, I hate it when trust’s dont give you one person it must be hard! Glad you are getting support though, I was petrified the first and second trimester but its just starting to get better now. Just the birth part thats scary! X

OMG 31 weeks here too and the anxiety is REAL! Sending you love 💖💖🙏

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