Firstly I am so sorry for your loss! Secondly - I’ve had 2 MCs and opted for surgical twice - second time round I had to have a procedure done twice - I’ve had it done under general and under local. Under general - I was in and out within an hour, after I just felt crampy and a bit tired. I bled for 4 days after but not heavy. Under local - the local injection itself into the cervix was the worst part. Again was over within the hour, just felt a little crampy after and only bled for 2 days after. Physical recovery for me was over fast.. it was the mental recovery that took me a LOT longer - take as much time as YOU need! In regards on what to take with you - a dressing gown & slippers is a must - it can get chilly! Take a book too because you may be waiting a while. I would also say it would depend on if you’re having it under “emergency” or the “day book” - because on the emergency list you wait longer (in my experience) in the day book list it’s almost in and out!
Feel free to message me if you want to pick my brain or ask any other questions! Sending you all the love in the world 🩷🩷
So sorry you’re going through this 🩵 I had a surgical removal and was home that same evening. I’d take comfy clothes and slippers plus some toiletries that may make you feel a bit more human. Generally pain wasn’t a thing for me, luckily. Ask your anaesthetist about putting in some drugs that control plain and inflammation. Hope it goes well 🙏🏼
Thank you all ladies, it will be under full general. I go in at 6.30 with the procedure at approximately 10am unless there’s been an emergency admitted. I’ve not had any bleeding for a two weeks including with the medical hence now going down the surgical route. I do feel like already the mental part has been the hardest with this one as it started in December. Just feel like life’s on hold a bit unless everything’s sorted. I do have two sausage dogs so have arranged for my sister to come over the night before on Thursday and she’ll stay till the Saturday. Mostly so they get walked and have company whilst my partner and I are hospital. I’ve packed a bag with period pants, pads, heat packs, socks, spare oversized sweatshirt, battery packs (for phone/ iPad), iPad with things downloaded, slippers, drinks and snacks. I’m coeliac so it’s easier taking food than hoping the hospital has something. They did say I had to wee, drink and eat something before leaving.
Cont. I’m definitely one of those that prefers to be over prepared. I’ll ask about drugs for pain & inflammation, I wouldn’t have thought about that. I did add mini toiletries just in case like moisturiser, lip balm and wipes. I think I’m just on autopilot at the moment with it all xx
First of all I’m really sorry for what you are going through…I’ve had 2 miscarriages and I know the pain that comes with them 😓. I had to have surgical management of the 2nd miscarriages because like you there was remaining tissue and it increasing the chances of infection. The procedure itself was great! I had full anaesthesia. I didn’t do any preparation other than not eating for 6 hrs before if I remember correctly! The procedure itself lasts only 15’ and then you wake up feeling like the happiest and most relaxed person in the world (the effect of the anaesthesia). They only kept me in the hospital for one hour to many sure I can pee okay and was then sent home. The bleeding stopped completely after the procedure (not a single drop of blood) and had 0 complications! Good luck xx