@Angie if the head is more rounded at the front girl if it’s more flat boy apparently ☺️
I was told girl by several people by skull theory and found out on Monday at 21 weeks pregnant I'm having a boy! Was over the moon but shocked because my pregnancy is very similar to my pregnancy with my daughter x
Just a guess - i think a boy x
I think boy but you can do sneak peek blood test which is 99% accurate, you do it yourself and put blood in the post results are only a few days x
@Amber I have my scan next Thursday will be 20+6 I also have a wee girl already xx
Thank you! I have my 20 week scan a week today will be 20+6! Will possibly find out then ☺️xx
@Jasmine I have a 5 year old girl and 7 year old boy and pregnant with a boy ! I hope it goes well and you find out what he ot she is !!! Xx
What's the skull theory?