Welcoming new baby

This morning at 8:06 AM, I gave birth to my second child at 36 weeks pregnant. She weighs 5 pounds 2 ounces, I was checked in for induction last night because I have preeclampsia with severe features, Baby and I are doing good and hopefully going home tomorrowif everything continues to go well... Mama's listen to your gut when you feel like there's something going wrong during your pregnancy and don't let your OB make you feel like your overreacting LISTEN TO YOUR GUT!!!
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She’s beautiful congratulations

I’ve been having swelling in my feet and hands and legs see doctor Tom no headaches or nausea but kinda worried

@jamie Those are usually signs. I tried not to be worried and listen to the doctors that I was just scared and I got me nowhere but preterm labor and several Emergency room trips. If your gut is telling you something is wrong listen until it is medically proven that nothing is wrong.

Okay girl I go in Tom I’m 36 weeks I just went on maternity leave bc I was a server and think that’s why but got to be sure

@jamie i hope everything is okay and wish you good luck.

She is GORGEOUS!! Congratulations mama!❤️❤️

Congratulations!!! March babies are arriving! Im 35 weeks measuring 6lbs already

Glad u n baby r doing well❤️❤️ congratulations!

Also I’m in az too!!

she’s beautiful, congrats!!💞💗

Congratulations ❤️❤️❤️

Congratulations! Wishing you a successful postpartum

Congrats. Look at those lashes!

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